Udichi ENT Head & Neck Centre Pvt. Ltd.

P-188, Block B, Lake Town, Kolkata – 700089

Monday to Saturday 10.00AM - 7.00PM, Sunday Closed

Plastic Surgery

Micro Laryngeal Surgery

Common operations like tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy are now done in bloodless field and painless quick recovery with modern Coblator; this is also extremely useful in surgery for snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. Growth and ulcer in the cheek and tongue are carried out with CO2 Laser with uneventful recovery. Laryngeal (Vocal cord) operation are done with the help of Surgical Microscope (Microlaryngoscopy) to relieve from hoarseness due vocal cord mass and also for biopsy in suspected cancer of voice box.

Laryngeal Framework Surgeries (Laryngoplasty) are done to restore breathy voice in vocal cord paralysis.

Throat Operation


Throat Operation

Vocal Cord Polyp

Throat Operation

Polyp Removed

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