Udichi ENT Head & Neck Centre Pvt. Ltd.

P-188, Block B, Lake Town, Kolkata – 700089

Monday to Saturday 10.00AM - 7.00PM, Sunday Closed

Hearing Aid

This is an irony that a deaf person cannot be identified by his appearance, unlike a blind person. Our society is sympathetic to a blind man but a deaf person is often laughed at. We shout at a deaf person standing in the road who cannot hear the cycle bell or motor horn but escort a blind across the road with care. In the family, even close relatives get exhausted shouting at a deaf person and naturally try to avoid. The patient on the other hand, with all shyness, gradually withdraws himself from the family, avoid family gathering and slowly gets isolated that invariably ends up in depression and more isolation. This is obvious that deaf person is more handicapped in the long run than a blind who can otherwise join a family gathering with his hearing ability.

The hearing aid is an essential tool like a spectacle, which can reduce this difficulty in hearing to a great extent. But because of our social stigma, deaf patients hesitate to use a hearing aid, while they don’t mind putting on costly and very stylish glasses that add to their beauty.

UDICHI has a complete set up for providing a wide variety of Digital & Programmable Hearing Aids to these suffering sections of people and helps them to rehabilitate in the society successfully. Starting from a very basic low priced Trimmer digital model to a very high end aids with rechargeable and blue tooth enabled sets and almost invisible models within the ear.

Hearing Aid

Phonak Audeo Life

Hearing Aid

Phonak Paradise Audeo

Hearing Aid

Type of Hearing Aid

Different types of Hearing Aids available at UDICHI ENT Centre

Trimmer Digital (Non-programmable)

Behind the Ear (B.T.E.)

Receiver in the Canal (R.I.C.)

In The Ear (I.T.E.)

In The Canal (I.T.C.)

Completely In The Canal (C.I.C.)

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